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A person is wearing a fitted brown wool coat with a subtle check pattern, a white crisp long-sleeved shirt with a soft ruffle around the neckline, a high-waisted dark blue pencil skirt made of silk, and red ankle-high leather boots with a buckled strap.


The image features a woman wearing a brown coat and red boots, walking down a runway during a fashion show. She is carrying a handbag in her right hand and appears to be confidently strutting down the runway. In the background, there are several other people visible, some of whom are also wearing coats and boots. One person is closer to the camera, while others are positioned further away from it. The scene captures the excitement and energy of a fashion show, with the models and audience enjoying the event.

Universal Prompt:

A person is wearing a fitted brown wool coat with a subtle check pattern, a white crisp long-sleeved shirt with a soft ruffle around the neckline, a high-waisted dark blue pencil skirt made of silk, and red ankle-high leather boots with a buckled strap.

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