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a very light-skinned French woman with a sunken face and deep eyes with black hair with very curly unkempt white streaks. The woman is wearing a two-piece set of black lace underwear with a top with a slit in the front and long in the back and black lace briefs. woman wears a voluminous black and white feather boa on her shoulders. The woman holds in her hand the rope that holds the leashes of two furious Dalmatian dogs that are standing on the floor


a very light-skinned French woman with a sunken face and deep eyes with black hair with very curly unkempt white streaks. The woman is wearing a two-piece set of black lace underwear with a top with a slit in the front and long in the back and black lace briefs. woman wears a voluminous black and white feather boa on her shoulders. The woman holds in her hand the rope that holds the leashes of two furious Dalmatian dogs that are standing on the floor

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